Easy Up Buddy is equipped with a lateral dial to facilitate even wheelchair users and those with limited autonomy.
Choose your favorite among the 34 colors!
AFO, cerebral palsy, clubfoot, DAFO, KAFO, muscular dystrophy, orthotics, sneakers, special needs, spina bifida, splint, braces.

The Easy Up Wing is equipped with a side dial to facilitate even wheelchair users and those with a lack of autonomy.
Available in 4 colors
AFO, cerebral palsy, clubfoot, DAFO, KAFO, muscular dystrophy, orthotics, sneakers, special needs, spina bifida, splint, braces.

The Easy Up Laser features a rear dial.
4 fancy colors available!
AFO, cerebral palsy, clubfoot, DAFO, KAFO, muscular dystrophy, orthotics, sneakers, special needs, spina bifida, splint, braces.

Easy Up Star is equipped with a rear dial.
Choose your favorite among the fabulous 8 colours!
AFO, cerebral palsy, clubfoot, DAFO, KAFO, muscular dystrophy, orthotics, sneakers, special needs, spina bifida, splint, braces.

The brand new Easy Up Quattro is equipped with a lateral dial to also facilitate wheelchair users and those with a lack of autonomy.
AFO, cerebral palsy, clubfoot, DAFO, KAFO, muscular dystrophy, orthotics, sneakers, special needs, spina bifida, splint, braces.

Easy Up Ice is equipped with a rear dial.
4 colors available!
AFO, cerebral palsy, clubfoot, DAFO, KAFO, muscular dystrophy, orthotics, sneakers, special needs, spina bifida, splint, braces.

Easy Up Air has a side dial.
3 colors available!
AFO, cerebral palsy, clubfoot, DAFO, KAFO, muscular dystrophy, orthotics, sneakers, special needs, spina bifida, splint, braces.

Easy Up Kid is equipped with a side dial.
10 colors available!
AFO, cerebral palsy, clubfoot, DAFO, KAFO, muscular dystrophy, orthotics, sneakers, special needs, spina bifida, splint, braces.

Easy Up Silver is equipped with a side dial.
6 colors available!
AFO, cerebral palsy, clubfoot, DAFO, KAFO, muscular dystrophy, orthotics, sneakers, special needs, spina bifida, splint, braces.

Easy Up Neo is equipped with a side dial.
2 colors available!
AFO, cerebral palsy, clubfoot, DAFO, KAFO, muscular dystrophy, orthotics, sneakers, special needs, spina bifida, splint, braces.

Easy Up Quilt has a side dial.
3 colors available!
AFO, cerebral palsy, clubfoot, DAFO, KAFO, muscular dystrophy, orthotics, sneakers, special needs, spina bifida, splint, braces.

Easy Up Rain is equipped with a lateral dial and an extremely elastic upper.
2 colors available!
AFO, cerebral palsy, clubfoot, DAFO, KAFO, muscular dystrophy, orthotics, sneakers, special needs, spina bifida, splint, braces.

Easy Up Snow is equipped with a side dial.
4 colors available!
AFO, cerebral palsy, clubfoot, DAFO, KAFO, muscular dystrophy, orthotics, sneakers, special needs, spina bifida, splint, braces.

Easy Up Sock features a side dial.
3 colors available!
AFO, cerebral palsy, clubfoot, DAFO, KAFO, muscular dystrophy, orthotics, sneakers, special needs, spina bifida, splint, braces.

Easy Up Sandal Quattro is equipped with a side dial.
2 colors available!
AFO, cerebral palsy, clubfoot, DAFO, foot drop, KAFO, muscular dystrophy, orthotics, special needs, spina bifida.

The Easy Up Olly is equipped with a side dial to facilitate even wheelchair users and those with a lack of autonomy.
Available in 3 new colors!
AFO, cerebral palsy, clubfoot, DAFO, foot drop, KAFO, muscular dystrophy, orthotics, special needs, spina bifida.

Easy Up Trekker is an ankle boot equipped with a rear dial.
Textured calfskin upper for a softer upper.
Skin option available.
2 colors available
AFO, cerebral palsy, clubfoot, DAFO, KAFO, muscular dystrophy, orthotics, special needs, spina bifida, splint, braces.

Easy Up Rover is an ankle boot equipped with a rear dial.
Skin option available.
2 colors available
AFO, cerebral palsy, clubfoot, DAFO, KAFO, muscular dystrophy, orthotics, special needs, spina bifida, splint, braces.

Easy Up Explorer is an ankle boot equipped with a rear dial.
Upper in greased nubuck for better water resistance.
Skin option available.
2 colors available.
AFO, cerebral palsy, clubfoot, DAFO, KAFO, muscular dystrophy, orthotics, special needs, spina bifida, splint, braces.

equipped with a lateral dial with a PARTICULARLY ELASTIC UPPER.
Skin option available.
2 colors available
AFO, cerebral palsy, clubfoot, DAFO, KAFO, muscular dystrophy, orthotics, special needs, spina bifida, splint, braces.

Registered office


of the Diomedi Brothers Giorgio, Sergio & Giuseppe

Via Marco Polo, 14

63813 Monte Urano  - FM - Italy

Telefono   +39.0734.842320

Fax   +39.0734.840229

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